Lucia- GTA 6 (Rockstar)

GTA 6: Confirmed and rumored details about the main protagonist(s)

We’re getting closer to the release of Grand Theft Auto 6, and even though it’s been a year since its trailer, it still doesn’t feel too far away. We don’t have a lot of information about the GTA 6 characters yet, but we’ve at least seen two main protagonists in action. Hopefully, we’ll get a deeper look soon.

Right now, we know of just one confirmed character from the reveal trailer: the main protagonist Lucia. Her partner hasn’t been officially named, but we believe his name is Jason.

There’s also a side character who seems to be a counselor for Lucia, often called Stefanie, but her name hasn’t been confirmed. Their backstories aren’t clear yet, but as we get closer to GTA 6’s release, we’re likely to learn more about them and the roles they’ll play in the game.

Apart from these three confirmed characters, the rest of the GTA 6 cast is still a mystery. The reveal trailer’s social media posts show many quirky characters that we’ll probably come across throughout the game, but their importance and roles will likely be shared closer to the release or in future trailers. Here’s what we know about the confirmed cast so far:


Lucia is the main protagonist of GTA 6, shown in the reveal trailer while carrying out an armed robbery with her partner, in what seems to be a Bonnie and Clyde-inspired crime duo.

Although we don’t know much about her background yet, we can assume she is a convict because of the ankle bracelet she’s wearing in the official game artwork and the opening scene of the trailer where she’s seen in an orange prison uniform.

Lucia is also the first female protagonist in the series, which is one of the biggest highlights of the reveal trailer.

Lucia’s partner (Jason?)

Lucia’s partner is not named in the reveal trailer, but previous GTA 6 leaks suggest his name is Jason. While his role isn’t as important as Lucia’s in the trailer, the two are seen at the end committing an armed robbery together.

The details of their relationship aren’t clear yet, but from the narration and short clips we see, they seem to share a close bond, with Lucia saying, “The only way we are going to get through this is by sticking together.”

Jason- GTA 6 (Rockstar)

Leonida Department of Correction official (unnamed)

Unlike Lucia and her partner, the official from the Leonida Department of Correction introduced at the start of the trailer seems to have a supporting role rather than being the main character. Many people refer to her as Stefanie, though it’s unclear where that name came from.

Despite her smaller role, she does introduce Lucia in the trailer, suggesting that she might play an important part in the story.

Other names of GTA 6 characters mentioned include:

There may be two more characters you can play as (for a total of 4) that weren’t shown, but their names appeared in a leaked Developer Menu. The names of these characters are Billy and Kai. They might have been part of the original plan, but Rockstar may have decided to reduce the number of protagonists from 4 to 2.

Billy, Boobie, Chester (Chester’s Music). Dale (Dale’s Shopwell), Danny, Dre (Nightclub Manager), Kai, Iris (Iris Laundry), RB Shaw, Sam, Shanese, Tit, (Nightclub DJ), Wyman, Vicky, YJ (Minimap), Zach.

Previous GTA 6 Characters Leaks

Here is a collection of rumors about the characters and protagonists of GTA 6 that have been shared before. These rumors included much more than just information about the GTA 6 characters, and we will discuss those details below.

It’s important to note that the links to the sources are no longer helpful. A Reddit post was deleted, however, we have been able to summarize everything.

GTA 6 will have a Female Protagonist

Early rumors suggested that GTA 6 might have a female lead for the first time in the series. Rockstar has mentioned that when they create characters, they don’t want to follow a strict formula but prefer a group of characters that come together naturally.

That said, with the possibility of 4 playable characters in GTA 6, there’s a good chance that one of them could be a female protagonist.

Rockstar liked the switching system in GTA 5, so going back to a single character after such a major game release might feel limiting now with all the options offered by multiple characters.

Henderson also talked about the GTA 6 characters, saying that there will be several characters, including a woman.

This female character in GTA 6 is expected to be the “brains” of the team, handling technology and hacking. This role fits well with the game’s setting, where we might see involvement in things like manipulating the cryptocurrency market.

Leonida Department of Correction official- GTA 6 (Rockstar Games)

GTA 6 Characters: 4chan Threads Leaks

Before the GTA 6 map leak, there were two threads on 4chan where users discussed certain locations in the game (like White Water, Daytona Beach, Florida Keys) and activities (such as a plastic surgeon mission), which matched up with the leaked map of GTA 6.

They also discussed various aspects of the game that fit with what we know about the modern-day setting.

For example, there are said to be characters in the game based on figures like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, and the protagonists will work for them. The story and environment will change depending on which side the player chooses.

According to the users, there is a rivalry between these Musk- and Bezos-like characters over a government-owned launchpad or space station that is important for their space companies. This idea seems a bit dramatic, but the following part could be accurate:

At the start of the game, players will choose between a male and a female character. The male character will begin in a South American city, while the female character will start in Vice City (a Florida-based city).

After completing a few missions, the characters will meet, and the game will switch to the other character, allowing the player to explore the entire map.

GTA 6 Characters: Project Americas Leak

Here’s what a deleted Reddit post said, which suggested that the codename for GTA VI was Project Americas.

The setting for Project Americas fits with rumors about locations in both northern and southern America. Specifically, it would take place in Vice City and another location, which would be inspired by Rio de Janeiro.

This game has reportedly been in development since 2012, but due to Red Dead Redemption 2 being a priority, the production didn’t speed up until 2015.

Besides these two locations, the game would include some missions in Liberty City, but players wouldn’t be able to freely explore it. A similar feature was seen in GTA 5 with missions in Ludendorff.

The game would be set in the 70s and 80s and would feature a male protagonist named Ricardo. Ricardo would start in the lower ranks of the drug cartel, working his way up and smuggling cocaine between Vice City and the new South American city.

GTA 6 (Rockstar Games)

One of Ricardo’s employers was rumored to be the famous Mandrazo family, including the young Martin Madrazo and his father, a notorious drug lord. Another main character mentioned was a person called Kacey.

There were rumors that the developers were inspired by the Netflix show Narcos, aiming to bring a similar narrative style with a lot of dialogue (almost like a TV series), a rich soundtrack, and detailed storytelling.

Since the game was said to take place in both the 70s and 80s, it was suggested that there could be a time-skip during the story. This change would affect the game in many ways.

For example, the cars, car prices, buildings, and soundtrack would reflect the changes in time. Rockstar was reportedly interested in creating a complex, living economy for this installment.

The final details about drug empires and a complex economy tie in with the next idea: building a drug empire. This feature would be similar to what we’ve seen in GTA Online or Vice City Stories, but much bigger.

A significant change in gameplay would be that players couldn’t carry many weapons and armor with them at all times and switch between them instantly. Instead, players would only be able to carry a limited amount of weapons, such as a primary rifle and a secondary pistol.

GTA VI Characters: Fireden Leaks

The rumors on Fireden suggested that GTA 6 would take place in Liberty City. While it’s unlikely that Liberty City would be the main focus, two other claims make more sense based on what we know so far.

One of these claims is that GTA VI would feature four main characters: two gang members and two police officers. The other claim fits with the idea of a time-skip. Specifically, there would be a split in the storyline.

The criminal side of the game would have a sandbox-style gameplay focused on building a drug empire. On the police side, the game would turn more action-oriented, with some elements similar to LA Noire.

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